In the family Lafaurie...

In the family


Pierre, the founder of the brand, grew up in Paris, in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, where he did not enjoy a carefree, bourgeois childhood.

He was brought up by his mother, aunt and grandmother in a rooftop flat. Surrounded by a duck and a dog, his daily life was filled with fabrics and pots of glue, as the house also served as a workshop for making lampshades.

Pierre sometimes met colourful customers, such as the poet Jacques Prévert. From this period, he retained a particular attachment to materials and fine workmanship.


After starting out as a salesman for a textile brand, Pierre soon realised that freedom was essential, and that it meant breaking away from fashion trends.

So, in 1991, he created men's basics for all day wear, both classic and colourful. Inspired by the style of artists and intellectuals on the Left Bank, he began with two products that he had made in France: a poplin shirt and a painter's jacket in cotton canvas. These two products were to become iconic for the brand.

Pierre likes to play with codes: his clothes have no logo, they are accessible and very well made. He named his brand EMILE LAFAURIE.


In 2018, Pierre died suddenly. His son Théo returned hurriedly from Montreal, where he had opened a cross-disciplinary venue, an art gallery that became a party venue once a week.

He decided to continue the family adventure. His childhood memories include a love of fabrics with shimmering names, his father's walks, the creation of colour ranges in the Luxembourg Gardens, and sessions at Drouot with his mother, the head of an auction house...

The challenge is an ambitious one: to maintain a precious heritage while bringing it up to date. The eyes of father and son merge. The transgenerational aspect of the brand has never been so obvious: EMILE LAFAURIE becomes LAFAURIE.


A new page in the brand's history is being written with the arrival of Pablo, eager to join his brother in this family adventure.

LAFAURIE is the story of a lively, joyful and free brand that is growing and developing thanks to all its employees and customers.

More than a brand, it is above all a family that is growing bigger every day, a family grateful to everyone for their contribution to this wonderful adventure.

Finally, it is the tribute of two sons to their father, who, by leaving too soon, reminds us daily of the importance of concentrating on the essentials.

In the LAFAURIE family, relaxed elegance and independence continue to be cultivated - from father to son.